Empowering the Black Community: Know Your Rights Edition
Welcome to "Inside The Organization" with Associate Director Monet Warren!
In this month's episode, we're diving deep into the theme "All Black Everything: Know Your Rights." Join us as Monet shares her insights and perspectives on this critical topic.
🔍 What does "Know Your Rights" mean to you as the director of this organization? Monet sheds light on the importance of understanding and asserting our rights as Black individuals, especially in the workplace and beyond.
💬 What do you want the community to know this month? Discover the key messages and insights Monet has for our community this month, empowering us with knowledge and awareness.
🎉 Anything you want to wrap up with? Excited for next month? Preview? Monet wraps up with exciting previews of upcoming initiatives and themes, leaving us inspired and eager for what's to come.
🤝 How do "Know Your Rights" and COVID overlap in the black community? Explore the intersectionality of "Know Your Rights" and COVID-19 and how these issues impact the Black community.
Don't miss this enlightening and empowering episode! Subscribe now and stay informed as we navigate important topics together. 💼💡
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#InsideTheOrganization #AssociateDirectorMonetWarren #KnowYourRights #AllBlackEverything #CommunityEmpowerment